Google Advertisement and Google Marketing

Google is everywhere! It does feel like it, given its connection with virtually every mobile phone and laptop that currently exists today. In addition to that, all the social media handles are somewhat related to Google, which makes it an essential part of your digital marketing strategy.

SEO is slow! Looking for fast results through Google? Google Advertising is the solution

According to marketing methods, Google Marketing/Google Advertising, also known as Pay Per Click marketing, enables you to display your online presence, website, product pages, etc. at the top of the search results based on marketing strategies.


Is Google Advertising & Marketing important for my business?

Google Marketing Platform is an integrated ad-technology platform that enables agencies and advertisers to more effectively create, manage and grow high-impact digital marketing campaigns. Google Marketing or Google Advertisement Platform integrates world-class solutions to help buyers run holistic campaigns across multiple channels. Every social media handle has some connection to Google, making it a crucial component of your digital marketing plan. You may benefit from online advertising by using Google Ads to display your ads to the appropriate audiences at the right time and location. One of the digital marketing services is SEO which works on search engines to rank your website on top of relevant searches but it is a very slow process and needs regular working to stay at the same rank whereas Google Marketing allows you to quickly rank your website on relevant searches by using proper keywords, marketing strategies and cost. However, this way is not permanent and after your campaign expires it will not be displayed there whereas SEO is like a constant and long-term result-oriented approach at very low investment.

Google is no longer just a search engine- it’s a symbol of credibility and reliability. Business that flourish with Google are associated with the same credibility and reliability. - Sundar Pichai (CEO Google)
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Here are some more details about Google Advertising and Marketing

How do Google Ads and Marketing help a business in the online boom?

Google Ads filters out non-targeted audiences, enabling precise targeting of desired customers. Utilising diverse targeting strategies, you can reach potential customers actively seeking your products or services online. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn facilitate paid ad campaigns, effectively promoting your business to the intended audience and enhancing your online presence.

Is it very expensive to get google ads and marketing services?

NextIn Labs offers affordable programs tailored for businesses of all sizes. While Google Ads and Marketing costs vary, we customize plans to align with your budget and objectives. Trust our expertise and strategies to maximize the value of your investment.

Does it take a lot of time to fetch results from google ads and marketing services?

The time it takes for a Google Ads and Marketing campaign to show results can vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific goals of the campaign and the size of the business. Based on our years of experience working with businesses of all sizes, we recommend allowing at least six months for a Google Ads campaign to mature and up to one year for a PPC campaign to become fully effective. Google Ads is a cost-effective advertising strategy for businesses of all sizes, and with persistence, you can expect to see an increase in leads, a decline in cost per conversion, and an overall increase in revenue over time.

What are the benefits of Google Advertisement and Marketing for your businesses?

Google Ads gives you the opportunity to leverage the power of online advertising to reach the right audience, in the right location, and at the optimal time. In addition to this, there are several other benefits to using Google Ads, including: the ability to target specific demographics and interests, access to detailed analytics and tracking, the option to set your own budget and payment terms, optimization for mobile devices, cost-effectiveness, and increased brand awareness through search results and display ads.

Have questions about pricing? Ask our sales team.

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Features & Benefits of Google Marketing

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Quickly rank your website

Google Advertising platform allows you to run paid search engine campaigns to show your website on the top of searches based on search keywords and your google marketing strategies. This helps your business to get more reach, more visibility, and more traffic within a very short period.

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Advertise on multiple google channels

Google has its marketing platform which allows business to run their services/products campaigns on multiple google channels like youtube and using the proper marketing strategies businesses can get quality leads by choosing the proper channel where your audience is present.

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Helps in organic growth

SEO is one of the alternatives to rank your website on search engines but it is a very slow process because of its organic nature, google advertising helps to quickly drive results and due to more clicks and traffic, an organic rank of your website also increased time to time as we know traffic and customer engagement is one of the most considerable parameters of organic ranking.

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Generate Leads

Google's marketing platform allows multiple types of campaigns to run for different purposes similar to social media, lead generation is one of the most commonly used campaigns which helps you to collect quality leads from search engines and other sources of google channels.

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Advertise on Mobile Apps

Google has a separate platform for advertisements on mobile applications, most of the free downloadable applications use google advertisement hooks to display ads and earn income through these ads. You can also run a campaign on mobile applications or integrate advertisements on your mobile apps to earn passive income.

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Increase brand loyalty and awareness

Advertising and marketing these terms are directly proposal to business awareness and loyalty, it doesn't matter through which platform you are marketing, on every platform if you are doing marketing people start knowing about your brand and business and can easily trust on your products & services.


Services We Offer

  • 01Google Search Advertisements

  • 02Google Display Advertisements

  • 03Youtube Advertisements

  • 04Mobile App Ads Integration

  • 05Search Engine Lead Generation Ads

  • 06Youtube Lead Generation Ads

  • 07Pay Per Click Advertisments

We choose the platforms according to your business needs.
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How Google Advertisments/Marketing Process Works?

Analyzing the requirements of business & preparing for Google ads

Google advertising may seem straightforward, but it's complex, involving SEO and other intricacies. Before launching a campaign, businesses should invest 2-3 months in SEO. Then, we analyse your business and audience to devise the best Google ad strategy.

Design marketing strategies and campaign layouts

When our team knows about your business well then we start working on digital marketing strategies like target audience, marketing regions, etc. and based on business our team designs the advertisement content and graphics. To run a successful campaign, we should have all the important assets before starting the campaign.

Monitor outcomes and make relevant changes in strategies

This step has multiple repetitions and is the most complex part. Our team needs to properly monitor every campaign performance to provide the right outcomes at minimum cost and to make it possible we have to make multiple time-relevant changes in campaigns.

Drive expected results for your business

Once the above three stages start performing well, you will also start getting the desired results. However, the results depend on multiple factors like our business value, product value, the amount of money we are putting in campaigns, etc.

Don't let cost concerns hold you back – contact us today to learn more about our affordable Google Advertisement and Marketing services.

We have worked with a wide array of clients worldwide and have an exact solution when it comes to Google Marketing and Advertising for every sector and small and large-scale enterprises. We know what you need to grow.

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